How To Make Missionary Sex Better According To 13 Guys

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Missionary sex is one of the most common and traditional positions, but that doesn't mean it has to be boring or lacking in excitement. In fact, there are plenty of ways to spice up this classic position and make it more enjoyable for both partners. To help you make the most of your missionary sex, we spoke to 13 guys to get their top tips for making this position better.

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Get in the Right Mindset

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Before getting into the physical aspects of missionary sex, it's important to get in the right mindset. Many guys emphasized the importance of being present and engaged during missionary sex. One guy mentioned that being fully present and focused on his partner's pleasure made the experience much more enjoyable for both of them. So, before getting into the physical aspects, make sure you're mentally prepared to fully enjoy the experience.

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Communication is Key

Communication is crucial in any sexual encounter, and missionary sex is no exception. Several guys mentioned the importance of open communication with their partner during missionary sex. Whether it's discussing what feels good, trying new things, or expressing desires, communication can make missionary sex much more enjoyable for both partners.

Use Your Hands

Many guys suggested using their hands to enhance the missionary sex experience. Whether it's caressing their partner's body, stimulating erogenous zones, or providing extra support, using your hands can add an extra layer of intimacy and pleasure to missionary sex.

Experiment with Angles

Another common tip from the guys we spoke to was to experiment with different angles during missionary sex. This could mean adjusting the angle of penetration, changing the positioning of your bodies, or using pillows to elevate your partner's hips. By playing around with different angles, you can find what works best for both you and your partner.

Focus on Foreplay

Foreplay is an essential part of any sexual encounter, including missionary sex. Several guys emphasized the importance of focusing on foreplay to make missionary sex more enjoyable. Whether it's kissing, touching, or oral stimulation, taking the time to build arousal can make missionary sex much more satisfying for both partners.

Add Variety

One of the keys to making missionary sex better is to add variety. This could mean incorporating different movements, changing up the pace, or trying out different techniques. By adding variety to your missionary sex, you can keep things exciting and prevent it from feeling repetitive or routine.

Pay Attention to Your Partner's Pleasure

Ultimately, the most important aspect of making missionary sex better is to pay attention to your partner's pleasure. Several guys emphasized the importance of being attuned to their partner's cues and responding to their needs. By prioritizing your partner's pleasure, you can ensure that missionary sex is a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for both of you.

Final Thoughts

Missionary sex doesn't have to be boring or lackluster. By incorporating these tips from 13 guys, you can make the most of this classic position and enhance the pleasure and intimacy of missionary sex. Whether it's getting in the right mindset, communicating openly, using your hands, experimenting with angles, focusing on foreplay, adding variety, or prioritizing your partner's pleasure, there are plenty of ways to make missionary sex better. So, take these tips on board and enjoy a more satisfying and fulfilling missionary sex experience with your partner.